RTK Group knows biotech. We understand the technology, we know who can use it, and we know how to turn a promising technology into a successful business. Bringing together deep experience in both life science and management consulting, RTK Group is a fully integrated advisory firm.
  • We help investors -- such as venture firms and pharmas -- understand the value of a biotechnology. Is it ready for "prime time"? Does it have a future? We can tell you all this, and more.
  • We help biotech companies, both large and small. We help the large ones evaluate emerging technologies and develop strategies for gaining customers. We help the small ones evaluate the potential markets for their technologies, determine the best way to position them in the market and reach the people who will be interested in them. Great technologies shouldn't languish in the lab.
  • Our past and current clients include biotech companies, medical device companies, venture capital firms, banks, universities and entrepreneurs -- from the biggest companies to small firms, we can bring value.
  • Our work product includes market overviews, due diligence, strategic planning and business development.
  • We are based in the San Francisco Bay Area with clients and partners on three continents.
Rodney is the science expert of RTK Group, with 12 years at the bench and 9 more in business development. With an education in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from Rice University, stints at the University of Texas Medical School (Houston), and the University of Göttingen (Germany), Rodney was part of lifesaving research that informs his work today. Discovering he has a knack for putting people together and finding markets for technologies, he moved into business development in the mid-1990s, first at EVOTEC (Germany) and then as VP of business development at Fluidigm (SF Bay Area). Since Rodney and Todd formed RTK Group in 2002, Rodney has learned even more about business development and management consulting. Rodney's CV
Todd is the business guru of RTK Group -- and the tall one -- having started his career at Bain and later doing a stint at McKinsey. He was a co-founder of Fluidigm Corporation (SF Bay Area), serving as CFO and as VP of Business Development (until he hired Rodney to replace him in that position). Todd's understanding of business is deep, with a degree in Economics from Northwestern and an MBA from Kellogg. His involvement with biotech and medicine is extensive: Todd sits on the board of the National Marfan Foundation and advised San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom on his biotech platform. Working with Rodney has given Todd an even greater understanding of the science behind biotech, making them an unbeatable team. Todd's CV
We're passionate about emerging biotechnology. If you think we could help you, we'd love to talk to you about your business, your technology and your particular challenges. Whether you're an early-stage biotech looking to move to the next level or an established player looking for new growth strategies, we can very likely help you.
Email us with a short description of your business and your challenge, and we can quickly assess if we're a good match. If so, we can tailor a proposal to your specific needs. We look forward to hearing from you.